Friday, February 15, 2013

Loans and grants from rich countries much affect Africa countries

Dambisa Moyo in her book Dead Aid is trying to explain how most African countries could be affected by just depend on the aids from European countries and other rich countries in the world. The book is explain the inner intention of western aidprogrammes in Africa toward the development, the assistance given by rich countries in reality is results to slower down Africa domestics investments. 
The book also point out how much the dependent being affects government economic planning and decision making to resources allocation. She recommended that since Africa countries are just recipients of different helps from western countries they are never escape from being poorer, and their problems seemingly to never ending cycle. in her book she suggest to African  to plan for their investments to implement their government policy and even coping economic planning system from other developed nations such as China, Ghana. The writer even cites how much external debts within the nations pressure corruption to most of African leader he mention out the late Zaire’s president  Mabutu sese seko to have stolen about 5billion US  dollar from his country.Through her book, Dambisa Moyo suggests alternative solution to African countries; she recommends that Africa should have their own sources of funding their countries for their problems solution.

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